Best Works
My Best Works
This is a lesson that I did to review graphing and tables to solve the interception point of two equations. It was also used to introduce the substitution method for solving for the interception point of two
equations. My mentor teacher and another colleague of his, collaborated with me to use this lesson from They had introduced this tool to their students prior to my lesson, so students were familiar with the website.
I chose to anonymize in order to maximize student learning without students feeling self-conscious about their answers being on display in front of everyone. My tablet allowed me to see all of the students answers in real time so if there were students who were incorrect or had trouble getting started, I could go help them discretely.
There are five sub-standards that this lesson encompasses: 3d, 4a, 5b, 6b, and 7b. Having the ability to anonymize students to protect privacy and manage student data meets substandard 3d. Collaborating with my mentor teacher and another educator to create this learning experience connects to substandard 4a. Aligning the Common Core math standards to this authentic learning activity that students were actively engaging with meets substandard 5b. Controlling the pace of every students device on this digital platform connects to substandard 6b. Seeing student answers in real-time, giving feedback, and using that information to continue the lesson meets substandard 7b.
Using Google Earth, I took screenshots of important landmarks associated with the women of mathematics that I chose to highlight in this slideshow. These women were pioneers in several different fields of math and were all around the world. I chose to create this slideshow to share with students because not many students are aware of the people who discovered modern day mathematics and if they have heard of those people, then they are predominantly male mathematicians.
This slideshow encompasses ISTE sub-standards 2a, 3c, and 4d. I would show this presentation to colleagues, and administrators. Empowering and fostering a love of math in young girls is crucial for their success and continuation of learning which connects to substandard 2a. This slideshow has a reference page that includes both the url links to images and biographic information of these women. Giving proper citation of these artifacts protects the original authors intellectual rights and properties which is substandard 3c. These diverse women represent a variety of women from different time periods as well as different countries around the world. These are only five examples, students could also research other influential women mathematicians which connects to substandard 4d.